Why Rubiks?

Until my current deployment to Afghanistan, I'd only ever tried to get one side of the cube, as quickly as I could, and only once did I get even two sides at the same time. I had a breakthrough to the next step while I was out here, and there was someone willing to show me the remaining steps to solve the 3x3x3 cube. Once I got the hang of that one, I moved up to a 5x5x5, and learned a couple of new tricks for the larger cubes. I taught myself the 7x7x7, and then started making designs to give a bit of a challenge. Here, for those who wish to take the time to view, are the results. Enjoy! :)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

3x3x3 Offset Mirrored Cube (Pt 2)

These are the pictures of the rest of the solution for this cube.  Due to the nature of this cube, there probably won't be many more pictures of it.  I can't really make designs in this one as I do with the others.  The first time I solved it, I ended up doing so by getting the skinniest side first, but this time, for the sake of the photos, I began with one of the more substantial sides. (originally solved on 8 June 2012, this solution on 10 June 2012)

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