Why Rubiks?

Until my current deployment to Afghanistan, I'd only ever tried to get one side of the cube, as quickly as I could, and only once did I get even two sides at the same time. I had a breakthrough to the next step while I was out here, and there was someone willing to show me the remaining steps to solve the 3x3x3 cube. Once I got the hang of that one, I moved up to a 5x5x5, and learned a couple of new tricks for the larger cubes. I taught myself the 7x7x7, and then started making designs to give a bit of a challenge. Here, for those who wish to take the time to view, are the results. Enjoy! :)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Scramble Squares - United States Armed Services Edition

I'm not sure what to expect from this puzzle.  It doesn't look crazy difficult from the outset, but I don't doubt that it has something up its sleeve.  Of course, I had to buy it since it has a US Armed Forces theme.  The fact that each of the 9 pieces has the USMC Emblem in the center didn't hurt, either.  I also like that the finished puzzle will be 12" x 12".  I guess it appeals to me on a number of levels.

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