Why Rubiks?

Until my current deployment to Afghanistan, I'd only ever tried to get one side of the cube, as quickly as I could, and only once did I get even two sides at the same time. I had a breakthrough to the next step while I was out here, and there was someone willing to show me the remaining steps to solve the 3x3x3 cube. Once I got the hang of that one, I moved up to a 5x5x5, and learned a couple of new tricks for the larger cubes. I taught myself the 7x7x7, and then started making designs to give a bit of a challenge. Here, for those who wish to take the time to view, are the results. Enjoy! :)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Rubik's Cube Birthday Cake!

Knowing my love of puzzles, and of all things Rubik's, my wife baked me a Rubik's Cube birthday cake this year! :D

She even ensured that all the tiles were in the proper place, using an actual cube as her guide. All the orange tiles are on the top, as that's my favorite color. The tiles sprinkled around the platform are the ones that would have been on the bottom of the cube.

The puzzle continued on the inside of the cake itself!

The scraps she didn't use were almost as impressive as the parts that made it into the cake.

I know she loves me, for some reason. The work she put into this spread out over two days.
It was delicious, both visually and in the way it tasted. It is, without question, the best birthday cake I've ever had :)

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